London, British Library, Add. 16375


Manuscript copy id
London, British Library, Add. 16375
c. 1470s-1480s
Dimensions and Structure
204 x 132
fols. I + 90 + I’
Fols. are numbered in the upper right margin of the recto.
9 quires: I-IX(10); horizontal catchwords at the centre of the lower margin.
hard point?
Type of script
Two hands:
a) fols. 1r-84v: humanist cursive
b) fols 85v-90r: early-16th-century 'cancelleresca all’antica'; this hand may be responsible for writing the rubric "In nomine Franciscus [sic] Malateste B" at fol. 1r, the title "epistole phallari vulgariter" at fol. 84v, and the invocation "In nomine domini amen" at fol. 85r.
Yes; fol. 1r, opening page with an ornamental golden initial inscribed in a square decorated with white vine-stems on a ground of blu, green and red; the scrolling extends to create a three-quarter border; on the lower bar there is an unidentified coat of arms inscribed in a laurel wreath. At fol. 2r, golden initial inscribed into a square decorated with a white vine-stem scrolling, which extends to create a short tail in the inner margin. In the rest of the manuscript there are simple initials in blue or red ink. Titles and rubrics are written in dark pink ink.
Marks of ownership, inscriptions and previous shelfmarks

At fol. Ir, number «10» (ancient shelfmark?) written in ink in the upper right margin; at the centre of the same margin there is a scarsely legible note of ownership dated 1846; over this note there is a number («28») written in pencil and inscribed into a triangle; on the verso  of the same fol. there are numbers «79» (in ink) and the current shelfmark «16375» written in pencil; moreover, in the lower margin, the number «146b» is written in pencil. The shelfmark «16375 plut. CXLVI B» is written in gold on the spine of the manuscript. In the upper side of the spine, there is a paper label with the number "146"; at the foot of the spine,  another paper label hosts the mark "B.4".

Modern binding; cardboards coveder with marbled leather. On the spine there is the title of the work, written in gold ("Phalar. Epist. Trado. D. Fonz."), and "M … BR… JU..E EM..T".
This entry is a work in progress. Further data will be soon integrated to complete it.

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Items with "Manuscript copies: London, British Library, Add. 16375"
Title Class
Epistole di Phalari Italian Translation Resource
Cecilia Sideri, "London, British Library, Add. 16375", in Vernacular Culture and Greek Texts in Renaissance Florence: a Database of Florentine Vernacularizations of Greek texts (c. 1460-1500), []. Accessed on March 7, 2025

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