Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, 10013


Manuscript copy id
Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, 10013
c. early 1490s (before December 1491)
Dimensions and Structure
320 x 220
I + 231 (230) + II'
Folios and numbered in ink in the upper right margin (only folios 230-231 are re-numbered in pencil, in the same position).
Hard point
Type of script
Three hands
a) fols. 2r-6r: humanist book-hand
b) fols. 7r-v: formal 'cancelleresca all'antica', apparently by a later hand (see below Notes)
c) 9r-231r: humanist book-hand
The manuscript is corrected by a contemporary formal humanist cursive hand (see e.g. fols. 22r, 23v, 31r, 42r, 54v, 56r, 98r-v, 129v, 150r-v).
It is also annotated by at least two late 16th-century hands (see e.g. fols. 44-45, 46v, 57v-68).
Golden initials included in squares with a blue, green and red background, decorated with golden flouirishing. The ornamental letters are complemented by flowery borders stemming from the left side of the squares. For the decoration of fol. 7 see below Notes.
History of the manuscript
The manuscript belonged to cardinal Francisco Javier Zelada y Rodríguez (1717 -1801), see note on fol. Iv ("Cajon 51 num. 6 Zelada"). It passed to the Catedral de Toledo and then to the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid.
Internal description
Fols. 2r-6r: Alessandro Braccesi, letter of dedication to Gentile Orsini.
Rubric: "Proemio di Alexandro Braccio secretario fiorentino allo illustrissimo signore Gentile Ursino capitano dello exercito del gloriosissimo Ferdinando re neapolitano nella traductione delle guerre civile de' Romani scripte da Appiano Alexandrino". Inc.: "Nissuna cosa e data alla humana societa...". Expl.: "Ma gia e tempo che noi lasciamo parlare al nostro Appiano".

Fols. 7r-231r: Alessandro Braccesi, vernacular translation of Appian's liber Libycus, Syrius, Parthicus and Mithridaticus (based on Pier Candido Decembrio's Latin version).
Rubric: "Delle guerre civili d'Appiano Alessandrino tradotte da Messer Alessandro Braccio. Libro Primo". Inc.: "Il senato e popolo Romano spesse volte contesero insieme...". Expl.: "...dubitando che Antonio non si accordassi con Pompeio a conforti di Cleopatra. Finis laus Deo".
Fol. 7 appears written by a later hand than the rest of the manuscript. Moreover, its decoration - though similar in style to the other decorative elements in the manuscript - is clearly executed by a different artist, with different colours.
Fol. 7 may have been prepared in substitution of the damaged original folio, with a mymetic imitation of the decoration. The manuscript has been analysed through a digitization. A first-hand inspection may reveal other details and help confirm this hypothesis.

Linked resources

Items with "Manuscript copies: Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, 10013"
Title Class
Delle guerre civili dei Romani Italian Translation Resource
Cecilia Sideri, "Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, 10013", in Vernacular Culture and Greek Texts in Renaissance Florence: a Database of Florentine Vernacularizations of Greek texts (c. 1460-1500), []. Accessed on March 7, 2025

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