Princeton, University Library, Garrett 105


Manuscript copy id
Princeton, University Library, Garrett 105
[Rome, c. 1449, ante 1453]
Type of script
Humanist cursive
The scribe has been identified by A. C de la Mare with a trusted scribe who worked for Poggio in Rome in the 1440s, and has copied several manuscripts of his works (see Sideri 2024 below in Bibliography)
Several annotations and corrections autograph by Poggio; a few annotations by Giovanni Tortelli, first librarian of the Vatican Library; a few other annotations by 'Pomponian hands' (for the annotations on the manuscript see Sideri 2020).
Yes; f. 1r coat of arms of the Altieri Family, with a partially erased inscription (illegible letters are represented by a dot): ". AN.ONIVS ALTE.IVS". The manuscript was owned by the Pomponian Roman humanist Marco Antonio Altieri (1450–1532).
- Sideri, Cecilia, "Correzioni, ritocchi e marginalia d'autore nella tradizione: nuove schede minime per Poggio Bracciolini", Studi Medievali 65/1 (2024), pp. 191-223, Plates. I-VII.
- Sideri, Cecilia, Per la tipologia del manoscritto annotato: il caso dei marginalia autografi di Poggio Bracciolini alla sua traduzione di Diodoro Siculo, in ‘Imago librorum’. Mille anni di forme del libro in Europa. Atti del convegno Rovereto-Trento 24-26 maggio 2017, ed. by E. Barbieri, introduction by Frédéric Barbier, Florence, Olschki, 2021, pp. 257-327.
- Skemer, Don C. (ed.), Medieval & Renaissance manuscripts in the Princeton University Library, 2 vol., Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2013, 233-235.
Record last updated
21 October 2024

Linked resources

Items with "Manuscript copies: Princeton, University Library, Garrett 105"
Title Class
Diodori Siculi Historiarum priscarum <libri> a Poggio in Latinum traducti Latin Translation Resource
Cecilia Sideri, "Princeton, University Library, Garrett 105", in Vernacular Culture and Greek Texts in Renaissance Florence: a Database of Florentine Vernacularizations of Greek texts (c. 1460-1500), []. Accessed on January 9, 2025

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